State government Alabama

Alabama State INcentives for Clean Energy

What are the state government incentives available for green energy in Alabama? Alabama offers a variety of state-level incentives to promote the adoption of clean energy. Here are some key state government incentives available in Alabama:

1. AlabamaSAVES Program

  • Description: The AlabamaSAVES (Sustainable and Verifiable Energy Savings) Program provides low-interest financing for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. It is designed to help commercial and industrial entities implement energy-saving measures.
  • Eligibility: Commercial and industrial entities in Alabama.
  • Incentives: Low-interest loans for energy efficiency upgrades and renewable energy projects.

2. Alabama Property Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Systems

  • Description: Alabama provides a property tax exemption for renewable energy systems. This means that the added value of a renewable energy system, such as solar panels or wind turbines, is exempt from property tax assessments.
  • Eligibility: Residential, commercial, and industrial property owners who install renewable energy systems.
  • Incentives: Property tax exemption on the increased value of the property due to renewable energy installations.

3. Alabama Net Metering

  • Description: Alabama Power offers a form of net metering, known as a “Renewable Energy Rate” program, which allows customers with renewable energy systems (like solar PV) to offset their electricity usage with the energy they generate. Any excess energy generated can be sold back to the utility.
  • Eligibility: Residential and commercial customers of Alabama Power who install renewable energy systems.
  • Incentives: Compensation for excess energy generated and fed back into the grid.

4. Alabama Energy Improvement Loan Fund

  • Description: This fund provides low-interest loans to local governments, schools, and nonprofits for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. The goal is to reduce energy consumption and promote the use of clean energy in public and nonprofit sectors.
  • Eligibility: Local governments, schools, and nonprofit organizations in Alabama.
  • Incentives: Low-interest loans for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.

5. Alabama Sales Tax Exemption on Solar Energy Systems

  • Description: Alabama provides a sales tax exemption on the purchase of solar energy systems. This incentive reduces the upfront cost of installing solar panels or other solar energy equipment.
  • Eligibility: Residential, commercial, and industrial purchasers of solar energy systems.
  • Incentives: Exemption from state sales tax on the purchase of solar energy systems.

6. Alabama Energy-Efficient Homes Rebate Program

  • Description: Some utilities in Alabama, such as Alabama Power, offer rebate programs for homeowners who make energy-efficient improvements, including the installation of energy-efficient HVAC systems, insulation, and windows.
  • Eligibility: Homeowners in Alabama serviced by participating utilities.
  • Incentives: Rebates for energy-efficient home improvements.

7. Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) Energy Division

  • Description: ADECA’s Energy Division administers various programs aimed at promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy adoption in Alabama. This includes grant opportunities, technical assistance, and educational resources for both public and private entities.
  • Eligibility: Varies by program; includes public agencies, businesses, and nonprofits.
  • Incentives: Grants, technical assistance, and other forms of support for energy projects.

These incentives are part of Alabama’s efforts to encourage the adoption of renewable energy and improve energy efficiency across the state. Depending on your specific needs and the type of project you’re considering, these programs can help reduce the cost and improve the return on investment for clean energy initiatives.


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