Government incentives available for green energy in Arkansas

Arkansas State INcentives for Clean Energy

What are the state government incentives available for green energy in Arkansas? Arkansas offers several state-level incentives and programs to promote clean energy and energy efficiency. Below are the key state government incentives available in Arkansas:

1. Arkansas Net Metering

  • Description: Arkansas offers a net metering program that allows residential and commercial customers who generate their own electricity using renewable energy systems, such as solar or wind, to offset their electricity consumption. Any excess energy generated can be sold back to the grid.
  • Eligibility: Residential, commercial, and industrial customers with renewable energy systems up to 25 kW (residential) or 300 kW (non-residential).
  • Incentives: Credit for excess energy fed back into the grid, reducing overall utility costs.

2. Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

  • Description: Several utility companies in Arkansas offer rebate programs for homeowners who make energy efficiency improvements, such as upgrading insulation, installing energy-efficient windows, or purchasing energy-efficient appliances.
  • Eligibility: Residential customers of participating utilities in Arkansas.
  • Incentives: Rebates for energy efficiency upgrades, including insulation, HVAC systems, and energy-efficient appliances.

3. Arkansas Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) Program

  • Description: Administered by the Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment, this program allows state agencies, municipalities, and public institutions to finance energy efficiency improvements through the savings generated by reduced energy consumption. The program is designed to facilitate energy-saving projects without requiring upfront capital.
  • Eligibility: State agencies, municipalities, public schools, and higher education institutions in Arkansas.
  • Incentives: Financing for energy efficiency projects based on future energy savings.

4. Arkansas Advanced Energy Equity Program

  • Description: This program, administered by the Arkansas Advanced Energy Association (AAEA), helps low-to-moderate income households access financing for energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements. It offers on-bill financing, where customers repay the cost of improvements through their utility bills.
  • Eligibility: Low-to-moderate income households in Arkansas.
  • Incentives: On-bill financing for energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements.

5. Energy Efficiency Arkansas (EEA) Program

  • Description: A collaboration between the Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment and local utility companies, this program provides resources and incentives for energy efficiency projects. The program includes rebates, technical assistance, and educational resources to help consumers reduce energy consumption.
  • Eligibility: Residential, commercial, and industrial customers in Arkansas.
  • Incentives: Rebates and technical assistance for energy efficiency projects.

6. Arkansas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Financing

  • Description: PACE financing allows property owners to finance energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation improvements through a property tax assessment. The financing is repaid over time through property taxes, and the assessment stays with the property if it is sold.
  • Eligibility: Commercial, industrial, and multi-family property owners in participating Arkansas municipalities.
  • Incentives: Long-term financing for clean energy and energy efficiency improvements.

7. Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Rebate Programs

  • Description: Various utilities in Arkansas offer rebate programs for commercial and industrial customers who implement energy efficiency measures, such as upgrading lighting, HVAC systems, and other energy-intensive equipment.
  • Eligibility: Commercial and industrial customers of participating utilities.
  • Incentives: Rebates for energy efficiency upgrades and retrofits.

8. Renewable Energy Tax Exemption

  • Description: Arkansas provides a sales tax exemption on the sale of solar energy systems, including solar panels, inverters, and other related equipment. This exemption helps to reduce the upfront cost of installing solar energy systems.
  • Eligibility: Purchasers of solar energy systems in Arkansas.
  • Incentives: Exemption from state sales tax on the purchase of solar energy systems.

9. Arkansas Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

  • Description: The WAP provides energy efficiency improvements to low-income households to reduce energy costs and improve home comfort. Services include insulation, air sealing, and heating system upgrades.
  • Eligibility: Low-income households in Arkansas.
  • Incentives: Free energy efficiency improvements for eligible households.

These incentives are designed to help residents, businesses, and public institutions in Arkansas reduce energy consumption, lower energy costs, and promote the adoption of renewable energy. By taking advantage of these programs, Arkansas residents can contribute to a more sustainable energy future.


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