The Texas government

Texas State Incentives for Clean Energy

What are the state government incentives available for green energy in Texas? Texas offers several state-level incentives and programs to promote the adoption of clean energy and energy efficiency. Below are the key state government incentives available in Texas:

1. Property Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Systems

  • Description: Texas provides a property tax exemption for the appraised property value increase resulting from the installation of renewable energy systems, including solar, wind, biomass, and hydroelectric systems. This exemption helps reduce the financial burden of investing in clean energy.
  • Eligibility: Residential, commercial, and industrial property owners who install qualifying renewable energy systems.
  • Incentives: Property tax exemption on the added value from renewable energy installations.

2. Texas Renewable Energy Systems Property Tax Exemption

  • Description: This program specifically provides a property tax exemption for the increase in property value due to the installation of solar or wind-powered energy devices. This incentive applies to both residential and commercial properties.
  • Eligibility: Property owners in Texas who install solar or wind energy systems.
  • Incentives: Exemption from property tax on the added value of solar or wind energy systems.

3. LoanSTAR Revolving Loan Program

  • Description: The Texas LoanSTAR (Loans to Save Taxes and Resources) program provides low-interest loans to public institutions for energy-related cost-reduction retrofit projects. The program primarily targets schools, colleges, universities, and local governments.
  • Eligibility: Public entities, including state agencies, school districts, higher education institutions, and local governments.
  • Incentives: Low-interest loans for energy efficiency retrofits and renewable energy projects.

4. Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Programs

  • Description: Various utilities in Texas offer rebate programs for commercial and industrial customers who implement energy efficiency measures, such as lighting upgrades, HVAC improvements, and installation of energy-efficient equipment.
  • Eligibility: Commercial and industrial customers of participating utilities.
  • Incentives: Rebates and incentives for energy efficiency upgrades.

5. Renewable Energy Rebate Programs (Utility-Specific)

  • Description: Some utilities in Texas, such as CPS Energy in San Antonio and Austin Energy, offer rebate programs for customers who install renewable energy systems like solar panels. These rebates help reduce the upfront costs of renewable energy installations.
  • Eligibility: Residential and commercial customers of participating utilities.
  • Incentives: Rebates for solar PV installations and other renewable energy systems.

6. Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP)

  • Description: TERP offers grants and incentives to reduce emissions from mobile sources and support the development of renewable energy technologies. While primarily focused on reducing air pollution, TERP includes provisions for clean energy projects that reduce emissions.
  • Eligibility: Businesses and public entities in non-attainment or near-non-attainment areas for air quality standards.
  • Incentives: Grants and financial assistance for projects that reduce emissions and improve air quality.

7. Net Metering

  • Description: While Texas does not have a statewide net metering policy, several utilities offer net metering or similar programs that allow customers with renewable energy systems to receive credits for excess electricity they generate and feed back into the grid.
  • Eligibility: Customers of utilities that offer net metering or similar programs.
  • Incentives: Credits for excess electricity generated by renewable energy systems.

8. Oncor Solar Photovoltaic Standard Offer Program

  • Description: Oncor, a major utility in Texas, offers incentives for residential and commercial customers who install solar PV systems. The program provides financial incentives based on the size of the system installed.
  • Eligibility: Oncor residential and commercial customers who install solar PV systems.
  • Incentives: Financial incentives based on system size.

9. Austin Energy Green Building Program

  • Description: Austin Energy offers a Green Building program that provides incentives for energy-efficient building practices and the use of renewable energy in new construction and major renovations. The program includes rebates, technical assistance, and recognition for green building achievements.
  • Eligibility: Residential and commercial developers, builders, and homeowners in the Austin Energy service area.
  • Incentives: Rebates, technical assistance, and recognition for energy-efficient and green building practices.

10. Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program

  • Description: The PACE program in Texas allows commercial, industrial, and multi-family property owners to finance energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements through a voluntary property assessment. The financing is repaid over time through the property tax system.
  • Eligibility: Commercial, industrial, and multi-family property owners in participating Texas jurisdictions.
  • Incentives: Long-term financing for energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements, repaid through property taxes.

11. Solar Energy Device Franchise Tax Deduction

  • Description: Texas allows businesses to deduct the cost of a solar energy device from their franchise tax, which reduces the overall tax burden for companies investing in solar energy systems.
  • Eligibility: Businesses in Texas that install solar energy devices.
  • Incentives: Deduction of the cost of solar energy devices from the franchise tax.

These incentives make it more financially viable for residents, businesses, and public institutions in Texas to adopt clean energy solutions and improve energy efficiency. Texas, with its abundant sunshine and vast open spaces, is particularly well-suited for solar energy, and these programs help support the state’s growing renewable energy sector.


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