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Insight News: Order Seeks to Grow Clean Hydrogen Market in Minnesota

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As part of the state’s continued effort to reduce carbon emissions and expand the clean energy economy, Governor Tim Walz last week signed Executive Order 22-22 directing state agencies to pursue federal funding for clean hydrogen market development in Minnesota.

“The development of clean hydrogen provides a unique opportunity to reduce emissions and mitigate climate impacts for future generations,” said Governor Walz. “Through this Executive Order, Minnesota will be ready to meet the changing needs of the energy, transportation, and agriculture industries, while continuing to create new jobs and grow our economy.”

Northside energy activist Kristal Porter, Executive Director, MN Renewable Now, lauded the Governor’s action and talked about potential impact for North Minneapolis. She said, “It means that we have the potential to see billions of dollars invested in our state around training, job creation, and development. I am super excited about hydrogen and it has been something I have been advocating for, for a very long time. This would position our state to be one of the top states to receive large portions of funding due to the collaboration we are setting up with others states around hydrogen energy production and storage.”

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